As a student, have you ever felt like learning a new language is like learning a subject at school? You attend classes, read textbooks, and take exams, but when it comes to using the language in real-life situations, you freeze up. That’s because learning a language is not the same as learning a subject. It’s a skill that requires practice, trial and error, feedback, and guidance.
Skills are Learned by Doing
Think about the skills you have acquired in your life, whether it’s playing a sport, taking photographs, or cooking. You didn’t master these skills by just reading about them in books or being told about them. You had to practice and learn from your mistakes. The same applies to learning a language. You need to immerse yourself in the language, practice speaking and listening, and learn from your mistakes.

The Importance of Feedback and Guidance
Learning a language is a continuous process of trial and error. You need feedback to know what you’re doing right and what needs improvement. That’s why having a coach or a mentor is crucial. Someone with more experience than you can guide your practice and provide you with feedback and guidance on the most effective ways to improve.
Language Teachers as Coaches
Just as students need coaches, language teachers need to become good coaches to help their students improve their language skills. Teachers need to learn how to guide their students, provide feedback, and reflect on their teaching practice to become better coaches. As a student, you can benefit greatly from having a teacher who understands the importance of coaching and provides you with the guidance you need to improve.
Experience is Key
Lastly, remember that learning a language is not a one-time event. It’s a continuous process that requires practice and experience. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t see progress right away. Keep practicing, seek feedback and guidance, and you’ll gradually develop the expertise you need to speak and understand the language fluently.
In conclusion, learning a language is a skill that requires practice, feedback, and guidance. It’s not a subject that can be learned by simply reading textbooks and taking exams. As a student, seek out opportunities to practice speaking and listening, and find a teacher who can guide you on your language learning journey. Remember, it’s a continuous process, so keep practicing and never give up!
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